
This package includes some tools to make testing easier.

Protocol Factory

The ProtocolFactory is a utility class for creating LSP protocol objects:


use Phpactor\LanguageServer\Test\ProtocolFactory;

$item = ProtocolFactory::textDocumentItem('uri', 'content');
$initializeParams = ProtocolFactory::initializeParams('/path/to/rootUri');

This is useful as the LSP objects can be complicated and we can assume some defaults using the factory.

Unit Testing Handlers, Services etc.

You can use the Language Server Tester to test your handlers, services, commands etc as follows:


$tester = LanguageServerTesterBuilder::create()

$result = $tester->requestAndWait('soMyThing', []);

Lean more about the LanguageServerTester

Integration Testing

If you are using the LanguageServerBuilder to manage the instantiation of your LanguageServer then, assuming you are using some kind of dependency injection container, you can use the tester method to get the Language Server Tester.


$builder = $container->get(LanguageServerBuilder::class);
assert($builder instanceof LanguageServerBuilder);
$tester = $builder->tester();
$response = $tester->requestAndWait('foobar', ['bar' => 'foo']);
$response = $tester->notifyAndWait('foobar', ['bar' => 'foo']);

This will provide the Language Server Tester with the “real” dispatcher.

Language Server Tester

The tester provides access to a test transmitter from which you can access any message sent by the server:


// ...
$messageOrNull = $tester->transmitter()->shift();

You can also use some convenience methods to control the server:


// ...
$messageOrNull = $tester->textDocument()->open('/uri/to/text.php', 'content');

The tester will automatically initialize the server, but you can also pass your own initialization parameters:


// ...
$tester = $builder->tester(ProtocolFactory::initializeParams('/uri/foobar.php'));